
optimize performance and maximize returns


innovative strategies and approaches to property management


tailored solutions, Steady Cash Flow


Our Key Services

Novora Investments and Smart Real Estate Services have expertise in property management for the hospitality and tourism industry. We take care of our clients’ properties by maintaining their physical conditions to ensure the safety and comfort of our guests. Our high-quality hospitality services and AI-enabled online sales portals ensure remarkable revenue generation, while our mobile app provides 24/7 tenant support. We primarily operates in Dubai, London and Banglore with direct offices and committed to provide high-quality services to our clients.

Our Services

Asset Management

Our property managers ensure that the property is well-maintained, clean, and in good repair. This includes routine maintenance tasks, such as cleaning and landscaping, as well as larger repair and renovation projects. Our Asset Management team provide owner representation to suppliers and oversight services to enhance asset value. We deliver tangible financial benefits to our clients through effective management of their property assets through our inhouse built technological tools , monitoring systems and timely updates.

Revenue Generation

We use our own online booking platforms (www.novorastay.com), social media and other marketing channels to promote the assets ensuring to provide clear and accurate information about the property.We use our AI tools to set a competitive dynamic pricing. We use robotic process automation for market scanning and dynamic price corrections and publishing of rates. We provide efficient response to inquiries with the help of our in-house AI-enabled tools and mobileapps such as NovoraStayCare, as well as our experienced 24/7 back-office team.

Financial Tracking

Our property management consultants monitor the expenses carefully to ensure that clients are making good profit. This includes all expenses related to run the service apartment including operating expenses and property taxes. This helps to ensure that expenses are within budget and that there is enough cash flow to cover these costs. We also create and track a budget to ensure that they are meeting their financial goals. This includes setting goals for revenue, expenses and profit. Our experts periodically create reports on performance of the asset.

UI & UX Design Services

Our inhouse UI/UX design team discover the true potential of your organizational objectives and bring eloquence to your business. We support desktop websites and mobile applications with intuitive UI, visually attractive, illustrious and engaging UX with responsive layouts

Digital Strategy - Social Media Management

Novora Digital team helps businesses to establish an effective social media management strategy.  We support with Brand Strategy, Creative Content, Photography and Videography, Hashtag Research, Community Management, Scheduled Posting etc

Digital Marketing

Novora Digital offer services in brand recognition with creation of logo, Posters, Brochures, presentation materials, digitalized event, strategic product promotions etc. We increase awareness and recognition of promotional products with great ROI


We adhere to legal and ethical practices in order to maintain trust and integrity with clients. This includes following all applicable laws and regulations, being transparent and honest in all transactions, and treating all parties with respect and fairness


We analyse the current trends, supply and demand of properties in a particular location, predicting future market conditions to help clients make informed investment decisions. It is a crucial step in determining the value of a property and maximizing profits


We set achievable financial goals, create a budget to ensure profitability and sustainability. It involves analyzing cash flow, managing and monitoring expenses, forecasting revenue to make informed investment decisions and minimize financial risks